Moussa Traoré
Neurologie Hôpital du Point G
Mariam Sylla
Pediatrie Hôpital Gabriel Toure (Mali)
Jeannette Traoré
Institut d'Ophtalmologie Tropicale (Mali)
Toumani Sidibé
Institut d'Ophtalmologie Tropicale (Mali)
Guinto Cheick Oumar
Neurologie Hôpital du Point G
Gaucher's disease is a recessive autosomal disorder caused by an inherited deficiency of betaglucocerebrosidase. We report here the case of an 8 month old child, fourth in a family of four children, who presents the neuropathic form of the disease. The dosages of betaglucosidase activity using C14 techniques have confirmed the diagnosis, and allowed the detection of the disease in the elder brother. Both parents were considered as responsible for the transmission of this disease to their progeny. The type 2 Gaucher's disease is rare in black population, and may be associated with phenotypes heterogeneity.
African Journal of Health Sciences Vol.11(1&2) 2004: 67-69