The objectives of the journal are to promote a culture of peace and stability by facilitating the exchanging of ideas and expertise within the conflict resolution community on the continent of Africa, to contribute to developing home-grown (African) methods of preventing, managing and resolving conflict on the continent and the provide a forum for information sharing, networking and learning in the field of conflict resolution. Articles of an academic nature on the theory and practice of dealing with conflict, especially in the context of Africa, are published. Envisaged readers are academic researchers, teachers and students and practitioners in the field of dealing with conflict.
The African Journal on Conflict Resolution (AJCR) publishes the writings of a wide range of African and international authors in the field, but emphasis has deliberately been kept on African writers and the thinking emerging from African universities, colleges and organisations.
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Current Issue: Vol. 23 No. 1 (2023)
Published: 2023-09-19