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Influence of Percieved body Image on Nutrient Intake and Nutritional Health of Female Students of Moi University
female students and its influence on their nutrient intake and nutritional health.
Methods: Cross sectional Survey was done on 260 female students of Moi University aged 20-25. Stratified followed by systematic sampling was used to get the sample. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Measurements of weight, height and mid-upper arm circumference were taken by the researcher using standardized procedures and equipments. SPSS was used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize data. Chi square tests, t- tests and logistic regression were
further done.
Results: It was found that most of the respondents with positive (69%) and negative (75%) body image were not comfortable with overweight. The mean BMI was 21.73 ± 3.03 kg/m2 and MUAC was 26.55±3.15cm. Prevalence of underweight and overweight based on BMI was 46% and 9% respectively. Mean intakes of energy, protein, vitamin A and iron were, 1245.92kcals/day, 36.99g/day, 368.29 RE/day and 12.6g/day respectively.
Factors associated with adequacy of nutrient intake were knowledge on food choice and irregular meal patterns.
Conclusion: There is need for nutritional counseling and education among university students to address the issue of body image vis a viz food intake since most students skipped meals and this together with knowledge on food choice were found to significantly predict nutrient intake and body image perceptions.